[squid-users] Is external_acl_type must under authentication mode?

From: NetSnake <netsnakecn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 20:43:05 +0800

I want to use external_acl_type to distribute my user to different
server, these user need NOT authentication.
Squid start my application, but when I access to a special host, no
data send to my program from Squid.
my program is a very simple script, and when I use an existing
application such as ip_user_check, still no actions.
My squid configuration is:
external_acl_type checkip concurrency=0 ttl=0 children=1 %SRC
http_port 80 accel vhost vport
cache_peer www.myhost.com parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=host1
acl ipaddress external checkip
cache_peer_access www deny ipaddress

My program is very simple:
cat checkip.pl
$| = 1;
open(LOG, ">/tmp/squid.log");
print LOG "RUNNING\n";
while(defined($line = <STDIN>)){
    print "OK\n";
    open(LOG, ">>/tmp/squid.log");
    print LOG "Got: $line\n";

So, I think that, is external_acl_type must under authentication mode?

thanks in advance.
Received on Tue Jan 13 2009 - 12:43:13 MST

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