Re: [squid-users] cache of 404 and redirects

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Fri, 09 May 2008 02:18:26 +1200

Christian Seifert wrote:
> Well, I think it is natural in any development setting to branch development to work on different stuff. But then when the time comes, the features of a lower branch are merged up...and eventually the lower version will I dont have visibility how different 2.7 and 3.0 are, but the longer you wait the more painful this will be....
> I think the storeurl feature is a good and needed feature and shall make it into squid 3.X...

I quite agree christian. On both counts. I'm just a little grumpy
tonight seeing as that is one of the features I'm probably destined to
be stuck cross-porting.

Adrian has spent most of several years working on his upgrades. I get
nightmares sometimes thinking of the work ahead trying to duplicate any
of it myself. Like he said, not big changes, but very delicate.

I'll stop ranting now.


Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE20 or 3.0.STABLE5
Received on Thu May 08 2008 - 14:18:28 MDT

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