mån 2006-07-31 klockan 14:48 -0300 skrev Pablo García:
> Hi, I'd like to know if there's any way to change the datetime format
> for the %tl directive within the LogFormat configuration option.
> I need to log this format "%Y/%b/%d %H:%M:%S", is there any env
> variable, configuration option or compilation directive to achive this
> ?
From squid.conf:
tl Local time. Optional strftime format argument
default %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
and the generic format code syntax description a few lines up:
% ["|[|'|#] [-] [[0]width] [{argument}] formatcode
" output in quoted string format
[ output in squid text log format as used by log_mime_hdrs
# output in URL quoted format
' output as-is
- left aligned
width field width. If starting with 0 then the
output is zero padded
{arg} argument such as header name etc
So %{%Y/%b/%d %H:%M:%S}tl
should give the format you desire.
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