RE: [squid-users] SATA Native Command Queuing

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 22:50:47 +0200

tis 2006-07-18 klockan 09:16 -0700 skrev Gary W. Smith:

> My understand of this (from a friend) is that it is possible that an
> application could be slower under non-ideal circumstances. That is,
> this drive now makes a decision of what data to retrieve when, instead
> of just answering OS level requests. The elevator scenario is a good
> example of how performance can be increased and decreased as well.

The buffer space available in the drives is too small compared to the OS
buffers for this to be visible I would say..

and assuming the drive logics is not too dumb and gives read somewhat
higher priority than write then it's likely to make better decisions
than the OS elevator as it has more indepth knowledge of the seek

So in either case it should be a win for Squid as it allows the drive to
operate much more efficient.


Received on Tue Jul 18 2006 - 14:50:51 MDT

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