On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 10:19:47AM +0200, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> I have linked the squid with a novell edirectory for user
> authentication.
> It work?s fine. But there are nevertheless some grave problems.
> The popup appeares eacht time after closing the browser. This behavior
> is very unlovely for the users (600).
You mean you will get queried whenever you re-open the browser? Of
course the authentication information is thrown away when you close the
browser. Or did you mean something different?
> The second problem is: What?s up with the programs running in the
> background (i.e windows update) which needs internet access for updating?
You need to tell the programs to use the credentials for the proxy.
Decent desktop environments (Gnome, KDE) provide means for that. Windows
however does not have such a feature (other than ticking the box
"Remember my password" which I strongly discourage).
Windows Update runs in the Internet Explorer and will prompt for a
password if no password has been stored.
So the problem is once again just with Windows users. :(
Btw, be careful with the "intruder lockout" feature. When users change
their password and have their credentials stored in different places
they will lock themselves out.
> Is there a workaround for this problems ?? Any ideas or solutions ??
What problem? This is normal behavior.
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