Hi, your friendly release manager here.
We're down to two bugs in bugzilla for squid-3.0, both already fixed but
waiting confirmation...
Changes since the last PRE announcement:
2003-07-28 09:28 (Minor) fix instablility in low fd situations.
2003-07-25 17:25 (Cosmetic) squid.conf documentation update
2003-07-23 11:23 (Minor) Rewrite host header in-place.
2003-07-23 11:23 (Medium) multipart range requests would generate
incorrect responses.
2003-07-23 10:23 (Major) --enable-esi broken
2003-07-23 10:23 (Minor) readaheadgap was treated as 1/1024th its
configured value.
2003-07-23 01:23 (Medium) Disk IO refactoring - code rectification, and
diskd corruption correction.
2003-07-18 12:18 (Medium) cachemgr config dump hangs in
2003-07-18 11:18 (Cosmetic) QUICKSTART update
2003-07-18 03:18 (Cosmetic) httpHeaderClean() incorrectly counts "0
Once again, early adopters are encouraged to start using these PRE
releases in non-production settings, and log bugs in bugzilla, marked as
'blocking bug 524' for any regressions found (regressing against 2.5
stable X that is).
-- GPG key available at: <http://members.aardvark.net.au/lifeless/keys.txt>.
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