Well, the access map can be shut off pretty quickly. But it's a matter
of convenience. If it goes off at 3:00 AM, the pager has to wake me up
to alert me of a problem, and then get up and switch it. Not a huge
deal, but if WCCP worked like this, it may be nice. However, if it
really jacks up the load on the router, it may not be worth it.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Olbersen [mailto:dave@slickness.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 3:47 PM
To: Mike Saunders
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Configuring for WCCP
Thus spake Mike Saunders (msaunders@minot.com):
> First off, right now we're using an access-map on our cisco
> Second, what advantages does WCCP offer vs. transparent
Can you change your static access-map as quickly as your router can
decide that your proxy is off-line? I think this is the main advantage.
I've heard reports that using WCCP -can- significatnly increase the load
on your router, but I have no direct experience.
-- David Olbersen <dave@slickness.org> Site: http://mp3s.mootech.net PGP Key: http://mootech.net/~dave/gpg-key.txt PGP Fingerprint: 85DE 7DE7 1D4C BF2D 4A81 10F6 AED4 81A1 EA2C 0138Received on Thu Sep 19 2002 - 14:56:08 MDT
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