0100,0100,0100I am having a problem getting Squid to work like I want it to, and I would like some advice on whether or not it should work the way I want it to. I have Squid installed on a IP masquerading machine with RedHat 6.1, arranged like this on our campus network. WORLD <<---> ROUTER <<---> LINUX/SQUID <<---> ALL DORMS It all works perfectly when I tell the browser to use the caching proxy, but since this proxy is serving about 1000 dormitory students I would like for them to use the web cache without each of them having to reconfigure their web browser. So similar to what is suggested in the Squid FAQ at http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-17.html where it says "How can I make my users' browsers use my cache without configuring the browsers for proxying?" 0100,0100,0100I used IPchains to forward all the web traffic coming into port 80 to port 3128. ipchains -I input -p tcp -s -d 0/0 80 -j REDIRECT 3128 After doing this it appears that Squid sees the traffic, but the access log is full of entries like NONE/400 1122 GET which according to the documentation "NONE" means that "Squid does not forward the request at all". The store.log file has entries like RELEASE FFFFFFFF 400 -1 -1 -1 unknown -1/1021 A workstation attempting to access the web via the proxy gets the error "The requested URL could not be retrieved, While attempting to retrieve the URL: /, The following error was encountered Invalid URL" It seems to be saying that all URLs requested are just "/". If I again configure my browser to use a proxy while the port is forwarded all works fine. As soon as I stop the port forwarding direct access is immediately restored. Am I missing something basic or am I barking up the wrong tree altogether? Brent.