Hello [Henrik ;)]
It seems that the squid-2.2.STABLE5.ignore_host_header.patch from
Henrik and the HTTP accelerator functionality don't go together well.
I have one machine at that has a lot of named virtual
hosts running on it, and I want to put squid in front of it as an
HTTP accelerator. However with the ignore_host_header.patch, the
Host: header is always stripped and this doesn't work anymore.
Now this is easy to fix in 2 ways:
1. Make it so that the Host: header is always used if it is an
accelerator request
case HDR_HOST:
if ((request->flags.redirected && !Config.onoff.redir_rewrites_host)
|| request->flags.accelerated)
httpHeaderAddEntry(hdr_out, httpHeaderEntryClone(e));
2. Make it so that the Host: header is used if it is an accelerator
request AND redir_rewrites_host is off
case HDR_HOST:
if (!Config.onoff.redir_rewrites_host &&
(request->flags.accelerated || request->flags.redirected))
httpHeaderAddEntry(hdr_out, httpHeaderEntryClone(e));
Now I don't quite understand what redir_rewrites_host is for
exactly. The comments in squid.conf indicate that you want it on
for a normal squid cache and off for an accelerator. Do we want
to keep this configurable (so implement [1]) or do we want to
turn it on for normal requests and off for accelerator requests
(so implement [2] and perhaps even remove the redir_rewrites_host
What would be the best option to implement ?
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