Still Troubles with Squid Behind FireWall

From: Gerardo Andino <>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 11:32:56 -0300

I have the firewall running on a NT server in the same segment as the SQUID, but I don't know how to set squid.conf I tried this one but didn't work.

#squid.conf - a very basic config file for squid

#Turn logging to it's lowest level
debug_options ALL,1

#defines a group (or Access Control List) that includes all IP
acl all src

#allow all sites to use connect to us via HTTP
http_access allow all

#allow all sites to use us as a sibling
icp_access allow all

#test the following sites to check that we are connected

#run as the squid user
cache_effective_user squid squid
#otherwise, you can uncomment the below line and comment the one out.
# this will run as use "nobody" with the group "nogroup"
#cache_effective_user nobody nogroup

cache_mem 4 MB
cache_swap_low 95
cache_swap_high 98
maximum_object_size 40960 KB
ipcache_size 2048
ipcache_low 95
ipcache_high 98
cache_dir /usr/local/squid/cache 1000 32 512
pid_filename /var/run/

I don't know how to tell squid to ask the firewall for internet url's.
remember I am novice. Thanks.
Received on Thu Sep 16 1999 - 08:47:20 MDT

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