Les Higger wrote:
> can anyone tell me how to do this.. reading the faq carefully i see
> that i just have to compile it a certain way. there just isnt enough
> info for a novice to follow.. and after i compile it is that it...
> or is there something else i have to do in squid.conf.......
I have never tried, but to get Squid running behind Socks you need to
socksify it. How to socksify a application is documented in the Socks
If you have socks5 installed it might be as simple as starting squid by
using the runsocks command (a wrapper that tries to do a runtime
socksification of any program).
The socks support is outside squid (in the socks library). All
configuration needed should be in the socks configuration files.
--- Henrik Nordström Sparetime Squid HackerReceived on Sun Jul 12 1998 - 06:51:52 MDT
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