Re: Access denied!

From: John A. Lauro <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:52:20 EDT

> got a little problem here:
> sometimes our sibling proxy sends error messages to our clients. Most times it
> is a "not allowed to access message". The URL for this is (seems so) random,
> sometimes it's an URL on our local web server...
> How can this ?

It's sort of a bug in squid. Basically your sibling has restricted
miss access (which squid.conf implies is ok), but then causes this
problem, for roughly 1-2% (from my experience) of what your sibling
claims to be a hit. Looking at my stats, as far as I can tell it
is thought to be a hit via UDP, but then when it is actually fetched
with TCP squid decides it's stale, checks the orignal source and
decides it needs to be refetched and it is now a miss, and denies
you. The fix it to not restrict misses to siblings.

PS: You might want to put in your "local_domain" in squid.conf, so
that parents/siblings aren't used to access your local servers.

John Lauro email:
University of Michigan - Flint
Information Technology Services
303 E. Kearsley St. phone: (810) 762-3123
Flint, MI 48502 fax: (810) 766-6805
Received on Mon Apr 27 1998 - 12:03:53 MDT

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