Hi Tom
> Netscape Proxy doesn't support ICP (nor will will it - note this is a challenge
> to their developers!).
> To hook up a Squid proxy to a Netscape proxy, use single_parent_bypass on
> (this only works if Squid has one parent which is the NS proxy server).
> If you're part of a peering scheme, having multiple parents, you can use
> the no-query option (which isn't crash hot with NS proxy).
I tried
cache_host proxy01.iafrica.com parent 3128 3130 weight=1
cache_host proxy.aztec.co.za parent 8080 0 no-query default weight=2
but this only resulted in continuous
messages in the access.log
I tried
telnet proxy.aztec.co.za 8080
GET http://www.ibm.com
and this worked
The admin @aztec said that he had disabled all echoes - whatever he
In the mean time I am using a squid proxy at another ISP
Irvine Short
Technical Support
Professional Computer Manufacturers
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: ++27-21-235084 Fax ++27-21-235089
Received on Fri Jan 24 1997 - 04:43:58 MST
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