Hallo! Du (P.Lister@cranfield.ac.uk) hast geschrieben:
>As I understand it, a request is refused on the basis of an
>http_access *rule*, which consists of a boolean expression made up of
>The rule and its acls...
>acl cranfield src
>acl rmcs src
>acl hypernews urlpath_regex ^/hypernews
>http_access deny hypernews !cranfield !rmcs
>This denies access to /hypernews* for non-local users: but how do I
>define the deny_info line for "that ACL"? This doesn't seem to have an
>deny_info http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/forbidden-hypernews.html hypernews
>!cranfield !rmcs
I think that
http_access deny !cranfield !rmcs hypernews
deny_info http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/forbidden-hypernews.html hypernews
will work.
-- Cord Beermann, Webmaster der FH Lippe webmaster@www.fh-lippe.de | http://www.fh-lippe.de/fhl/dvz/webadm/Received on Fri Jan 03 1997 - 09:19:54 MST
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